hosted by Art Link Foundation, Sofia, Bulgaria

Last in the first phase of the CLASH! Project is the IV LaboratoryNew management when running contemporary dance”. It held in Sofia, Bulgarian from May 14 to May 15, 2019 in Almada, Portugal from April 25 to April 27, 2019. Hosts of the event is Art Link Foundation/Derida Dance Center represented by Atanas Maev, CEO of Derida Dance Center, Jivko Jeliazkov – art director, and Milena Videnova, event manager.

This is the fourth consecutive laboratory after those in Rome (in the end of February), in Prague (in the beginning of April) and in Almada (in the end of April). It aims to discuss and investigate management models and best practices in business development in contemporary dance.

In two days, there will be conducted seven presentations by partners, discussion panel and special external speaker panel on Introduction and application of Business Model Canvas. Cultural business models by Hristo Hristozov, Cultural & Business consultant / Former Program Director of Cinema House Sofia.

During the laboratory representatives of all partners’ organization share their experience:

    • from Balleto di Roma – Corrado Russo and Francesca Billi

    • from Sapineza University of Rome – Luca Ruzza

    • from Companhia de Danca de Almada – Ana Macara and Carlota Machado

    • from 420people – Petra Kasparova

    • from Polish Dance Theatre – Ewelina Chatlas

The laboratory will conclude with a performance by Derida Company on the newest independent theater in Sofia – Derida Stage.