We are happy to share with you some exciting news and pictures from the preparation process of Polski Teatr Tańca – Polish Dance Theatre

Davide Valrosso – a guest choreographer at Balletto di Roma (BdR) came to Poznan as part of the exchange of choreographers within the CLASH! Project. He worked with three of the Polish Dance Theatre’s dancers: Jerzy Kaźmierczak, Zbigniew Kocięba and Agnieszka Jachym, who in February this year studied her concept of choreography with BdR dancers. One will see the effects of the whole project during the Clash! On Stage Festival on 8-13 December. We invite you to follow us!

CLASH project! When Classic And Contemporary Dance Collide And New Forms Emerges is co-financed from the Creative Europe program (Grant Agreement No 2018-2032/001-001).

Partners: Balletto di Roma, Sapienza Università di Roma, Derida Dance Center, Companhia de Dança Almada, 420PEOPLE.org