Two national workshops were held by Derida Dance Center / Art Link Foundation on the topic – Dance Training. The external seminar was held on 27 October 2019 and facilitated by Jivko Jeliazkov. The workshop was open for professional dancers in the field of contemporary dance and classical ballet as well as for amateurs. Part of the participants had no experience whatsoever. The invited teachers were professionals in the following fields: classical ballet – Maria Gezenchova, pilates – Viktoria Sirakova, Bulgarian traditional dance – Emilia Zankina, improvisation. The process was focused on the research of participants` approach and the degree to which they acquire diverse motion practice.
All the teachers aimed to gradually develop complexity in the motion content to the point where the experienced participants in certain fields began having difficulty in mastering the working material.
On the one hand, the focus was put on establishing the level of professional competence and on the other hand, what was the personal approach that participants with no experience develop in order to acquire the movement technique to the maximum.

In the first week of November 2019 an Internal Seminar on Dance Training was held by Jivko Jeliazkov.
The workshop was conceptually designed and conducted with the participation of professional dancers who participate in projects by Derrida Company and other independent artists. Classes in different dance directions were led by teachers, whose main aim was to place the participants outside their comfort zone through moving in different than their known aesthetic.
The level of complexity achieved was different in different dance practices. Different assimilation in different directions is noted. The survey did not identify dancers who learned different dance practices equally.

No terminology was used in the workshop by the teachers. In the process of acquiring the dance practices, part of the dancers succeeded in mastering the level of complexity thanks to knowledge and practices from past experience. There wasn`t a participant that had not developed movement culture in the given conceptual frame.
The Bulgarian folklore dance proved to be the discipline that made the dancers most difficult, in view of the unequal beats and the necessary speed at the feet, which is extremely characteristic of the so-called Shop district.